Moloch The Corruptor
Moloch the Corrupter was a very deadly and seductive demon. He drew people to him with promises of love, power & knowledge. Mostly he preyed on impressionable minds…people who were in search of something missing from their lives. Over 500 years ago, 1418 to be exact, in Cortona, Italy a group of monks decided they must get rid of Moloch for good. But they knew they couldn't confront the demon straight on for he was much too powerful. Headed by the priest Thelonius, the monks formed a sacred circle of Kayless and performed a binding spell on the demon, sealing him for eternity into the pages of a book. The only way for Moloch to be released was if someone read the ancient texts. They spirited the book away in hopes that no one would ever find it. But evil always surfaces and the book ended up in the hands of Rupert Giles, Librarian at Sunnydale Highschool and Watcher over the current Slayer Buffy Summers. It was sent to him at the same time that he had enlisted the aide of the Computer Sciences teacher, Jenny Calender, and some of her students to scan some of the library's texts into the computer. Accidentally, Willow Rosenberg scanned Moloch's texts, releasing him into the Internet. At first no one realized what had happened. Moloch, feeling gratitude to Willow for releasing him, attempted to seduce her by posing as a young student from a nearby highschool named "Malcolm" and chatting with her over the Internet. He also enlisted the aide of two computer geeks named Dave and Fritz to assist him in conquering the world. He continued to talk to Willow who was completely beguiled by the mysterious chatter. But her best friend (and current slayer) Buffy thought she should find out more about her secret paramour and started to investigate. Moloch tried to kill her, but Dave saved her life and therefore made himself Moloch's enemy. Moloch didn't waste any time in killing Dave and making it look like it was a suicide. But by this time Buffy, Giles and Willow's other friend Xander had discovered who Malcolm was. They also realized that Moloch had access to everything that was connected to computers now that he was in the Internet, like medical files and nuclear weapons. They tried to warn Willow but she had been abducted by Fritz and taken to the Calax Research and Development factory. It was a computer research lab and had been the third largest employer in Sunnydale until it closed down the year before. But Moloch had made it his headquarters and he had special technicians working on a new metal body for him so that he could walk free of the cyberspace prison he was in. While Buffy and Xander went in search of Willow and Moloch, Giles requested the assistance of Jenny Calender. He was at first reluctant to let her know about a demon on the Internet, but to his surprise she already knew. She was a techno-pagan and had seen signs of his coming for a while now. She called up some Internet friends and they formed a computer circle like the one that originally had bound Moloch to the book. It worked but not quite how they had expected. During this time Willow met Moloch in his new metal form. She was terrified, especially after he killed Fritz, and when Moloch realized he couldn't win her love he decided to kill her too. That's when Buffy and Xander arrived to save her at the same time as Jenny's binding spell took effect. Unfortunately though, the spell didn't bind him back into the book but instead bound him into his metal form. Buffy and Moloch fought until she tricked him into slamming his metal fist into a power junction box, effectively frying him to death.